Tips and Techniques For 9 Popular Photography Genres
What’s your favourite genre?
There are so many skills required in any number of photography genres that the adventure and fun of learning is a never ending one. And I love learning different skills.
Take portrait photography for example – the coal point is one thing, backdrops another and then colour coding and posing. It’s really never ending.
On this page you will find links to tips and techniques of 9 popular photography genres to get you started.
Your genre – not here?
Check back regularly as I add to the list.
#1 - Portrait Photography Tips
Some basic techniques are universally accepted as being essential to good portrait photography.
The eyes have it!
Always focus on the eye that is nearest the camera.
Photography tip #1 for portraits:
Use Aperture priority to ensure required depth of field.
For more tips and techniques to improve your portrait photography – Click Here
#2 - Children Portraits Photography Tips
Can we ever have enough photos of them?
Their little expressions – yes the tears too, bring so much joy and laughter later in life as you reflect on how fast they grow up.
The most difficult part is getting them to keep still long enough but the changes in expressions and poses are often the most endearing.
Photography tip #1 for children’s portraits:
Be prepared for anything!
Shoot in Manual mode with a minimum of 11 focal points, and more if the child is fast moving over a wide area.
More tips and techniques for taking children’s portraits – Click Here
#3 - Landscape Photography Tips
Landscape photography is extremely popular amongst photography enthusiasts and has its own unique challenges.
Best taken at sunrise (the Blue Hour) and sunset (the Golden Hour) for the excellent lighting conditions at these time of day.
The trick with landscape photography is to ensure the subject is in focus from foreground to background and that you have some sort of reference, such as an element in the foreground, to create a feeling of scale.
Photography tip #1 for landscape photography:
Shoot in Manual mode and always use a tripod.
Slow shutter speeds with a small aperture will likely be the order of the day…
For more tips and techniques on landscape photography – Click Here
#4 - Wildlife Photography Tips
As in portrait photography always focus on the animal’s eye.
Animals don’t take too kindly to posing directions! Understanding their habits and movements will be a great aid in capturing the exact moment you are after.
Be safe – animals are unpredictable.
Photography tip #1 for wildlife photography:
Shoot in Shutter Mode for fast moving animals or Aperture modes for lazy leopards.
Best tip is to master Manual mode to make adjustments to both on the fly!
For more tips and techniques on wildlife photography – Click Here
#5 - Bird Photography Tips
Bird photography is incredibly rewarding. And birds can be easily captured by setting up feeding stations or visiting established hides (as was the case in the photo above). The most challenging bird photography is capturing birds-in-flight using the “panning” method.
Photography tip #1 or Bird Photography:
As for other wild animals – see above.
Allow space in the frame for the bird to look, walk or fly into.
For more tips and techniques on bird photography – click here.
#6 - Macro Photography Tips
What a delight our tiny world is and with it comes BIG photography challenges to capture the tiniest of insects. Truly a lot of fun and a brand new and steep learning curve.
The depth-of-field is incredibly narrow with dedicated macro lenses and this form of photography is like not other.
Photography tip #1 for Macro photography:
Shoot in Aperture mode.
Best tip of all is to go out at night – that’s when bugs come out.
#7 - Street Photography Tips

Street photography is the one genre that will probably take you way out of your comfort zone as you take photos of people who don’t want to be photographed.
Be sure to understand the laws in your country or state and don’t be nasty to strangers. As a rule if they object don’t take their photo or delete it if you have.
Photography tip #1 for Street photography:
Set white balance to auto and shoot in Aperture mode.
#8 - Real Estate Photography Tips
A genre with its own challenges in lighting and confined spaces.
Getting the White Balance, verticals and horizontals correct is the secret.
Photography tip #1 for Real Estate photography:
Shoot in Aperture mode.
Use a tripod and bracketing helps if you have the time to process.
#9 - Action Photography Tips

With action you need to be very familiar with your camera as the action changes rapidly. The secret to good action photography is anticipation and getting into the right position. Often a low angle makes for a more dramatic image. They’re fun to practice.
Photography tip #1 for Action photography:
Shoot in Aperture mode ad keep your shutter speed up to freeze the action – let the camera worry about the ISO.
Or if you are comfortable with Manual mode use that with auto ISO.